quinta-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2008

"Emotionally loaded" descriptions of the scene of a crime...

Portuguese CSI’s under tight budget

Last night Porto’s CSI team was dispatched to an old family villa in the outskirts of the city. ‘The police was tipped by an anonymous caller’, reported deputy constable Miguel Santos in a 3 minute press conference. Several local news stations reported to the crime scene for live coverage but no facts of the incident have been detailed by the police present there.

However, this reporter was able to get close enough to the living room window to describe what appeared to be an extremely disorganized living area with shattered glass on the floor and visible traces of Blood splatter on the room’s blue curtains. Also visible was the fact that there were several missing pieces of key furniture. In different situations it could be suggested that the CSI’s were processing the furniture as evidence but after the major budget limitations CSI’s are only allowed to bring a maximum number of 3 possible evidence items for further process. With the wild cut in Budget rumours are flying that the Forensics division will soon shut down for good and with such a limitation in evidence gathering it might become difficult to build a solid case to take to trial.

More news tonight at six!

quarta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2008

A New Chapter. Unit 5

Okay Guys, so this is my first Post and let me explain a few things before I get carried away with posting.

A lot of the in class work will be based upon EAP Now - Unit 5 (The News). But before rushing and posting our first piece of homework let me explain the name of this Blog before Ian, who is my English teacher, actually expels me from his class.

‘Ian’s madness’ is not an insult of any kind. The reason I choose this name is because I was under the impression during the first semester that most English class assignments were a little too weird to say the least. But after surviving B2.1 I feel ready to continue with this creative approach in learning a foreign language.

It came as a shock because most students were accustomed to an old method of teaching where you mostly need to know Grammar to pass the exam. With Ian you need to worka a bit harder and know much more than Grammar. Sometimes this can nearly drive you crazy because if you don’t keep up and present creative/original work, and cause an impact you won’t impress anyone and will definitely get a low grade. With that said… lets get on with the show!