segunda-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2008


Escrevi uma longa opinião sobre os dois filmes, cujos os trailers deixo embaixo, mas infelizmente não consegui nem copiar, nem postar a opinião no Blog. Deixo vos os dois trailers que seleccionei para esta semana com a promessa, de começar a escrever estes posts em word e não directamente aqui...

Frustração! lol

segunda-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2008

I've been somewhat disappointed with this seasons movie variety... Lack of major blockbusters and not many indie movies worth watching... at least not on my end.

Anyway, besides my general disappointment with cinema this month, I've watched W! Yes, W and it's worth watching if you're in to American politics and a glimpse of the Private life of...

and will be watching this week Changeling. I'm really putting a lot of hopes on this movie so I hope Eastwood's movie and Jolie's performance don't disappoint.

sexta-feira, 14 de novembro de 2008

Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown - Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios


Acreditem, um Clássico do cinema espanhol e Almodóvar no seu melhor.

Aqui podem ler um resumo do filme: Link  

Mas nada melhor que ver o filme na versão original :D




quinta-feira, 6 de novembro de 2008

Love Song

I've known this song so quite so time and finally decided to post it here. I can't say I'm a true Fan of Tori Amos, but I do feel something inside when i hear these lyrics...


terça-feira, 28 de outubro de 2008

sábado, 18 de outubro de 2008

sábado, 11 de outubro de 2008

sexta-feira, 10 de outubro de 2008

Ken Lee

Não resisti colocar esta fantástica interpretação do 'Ken Lee' da Mariah Carey :D Disfrutem!!

terça-feira, 7 de outubro de 2008

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is fatal (Mary Poppins SNL Style)

Sorry Guys, but I'm simply addicted to Saturday Night Live right now.

Check This Out (Anne Hatheway is featured in this Skit and she's great).

VP Debate Palin/Biden

segunda-feira, 6 de outubro de 2008

Are you Gay Sir?

Well... quero dizer - Bem... qualquer pessoa que me conheça minimamente, conheçe a minha admiração pelos skits de Catherine Tate. Este é um video menos conhecido mas bastante engraçado!

espero que gostem :D

sábado, 4 de outubro de 2008

Outro Skit de Tina Fey como Sarah Palin

Aqui fica (Provávelmente) o primeiro skit de TIna Fey Como a Governadora Sarah Palin. Destaque também para a participação de Amy Poehler Como a Senadora de Nova Iorque Hillary Clinton.

sexta-feira, 3 de outubro de 2008

'SNL Gov. Palin (Tina Fey) and Katie Couric get real and adorable'

A minha admiração pela maravilhosa Tina Fey não pára de crescer.

A sua imitação de Governadora Norte Americana do Estado de Alasca é Fantástica! Acontece que depois de ver esta imitação, parece-me que a autêntica Sarah Palin é que está a tentar imitar.

Vejam e digam qualquer coisa ;)

quinta-feira, 2 de outubro de 2008


Já não me lembrava de visitar este este Blog!
Já não sei se escreva em inglês ou Português?
Nei sei se valerá apena escrever aqui...

Vou Tentar.

A semana passada vi um filme que me surpreendeu muitíssimo pela excelente qualidade na interpretação de alguns personagens e da história em si. falo do: 'The Boy in striped pyjamas'

Deixo o trailer como sugestão de filme da semana :D

quinta-feira, 31 de julho de 2008

Kelly Sweet ---» We Are One

Kelly Sweet é uma Jovem cantora Americana com um extraordinário talento.


Não vos maço com longos elogios à sua curta mas promissora carreira, dado que, o wikipedia trata de indicar as suas origens musicais e respectivo progresso.


We are One, foi a primeira canção que ouvi desta jovem, e mesmo depois de um ano, sigo ouvindo e desfrutando desta bela melodia (e como falta aquela pessoa especial para partilhar esta faixa, porque não partilhar com todos?).


Aquela passagem que vos indico mais abaixo em negrito faz-me pensar demasiado. Questiono-me muitas vezes se não me terei perdido por aquele caminho desconhecido, repelindo sem querer aquelas pessoas tão especiais; se afinal não desisti e fugi; Se ao contrário do que a Kelly sugere, não conheci o amigo, e acabei por desencontrar-me da alma gémea que parece que inconscientemente estamos em constante busca…


Não sei o que se passa, mas esta não deixa de ser uma musica bonita e desconhecido por estes lados…


Boa música!



Kelly Sweet - We Are One


Didn't need to ask
Don't know the reason
Everything that I believe
Is right here

Not thinkin' bout tomorrow
Couldn't catch it if I tried
World is spinning too fast
So I'll wait 'til it comes to me

I am you
You are me
We are one
Take me in your arms
And flow through me
I'll flow through you

Steal my breath away
Cause I'm so moved by you
Deeper than I ever thought
Was possible, was possible, it's everything, oh

Difference between me and you
It's all in where your heart lies
And every day's another chance
So let's get it right

I am you
You are me
We are one
Take me in your arms
And flow through me
I'll flow through you

Did you lose yourself out there
Did you lose faith and give up
Don't turn away and hide yourself

Cause there's a friend to make along the way
We are the heartbeat and our souls speak
And all the beauty I have ever dreamed
Is right here in front of me, oh

Is right here in front of me, oh

I am you
And you are me
We are one
Take me in your arms
And flow through me
I'll flow through you

segunda-feira, 28 de julho de 2008

Papa - Vanessa Carlton

I found this song recently and I have to admit that it reflects quite a bit of my current state of mood.

"Love plastic love..."

Just listen to the song...

Só (novamente)







Ou pelo menos penso que te odeio neste momento de dor


Culpo-te por todos os males!

Pelos 15 dias que me fizeste esperar,

Pelo os poemas que afinal eram para aquele desconhecido;

Pela indiferença das tuas palavras,

E o nosso triste distanciamento.


Que peso este no meu coração!

Esse sorriso que não vou voltar a ver (penso),

Os mimos que darás ao outro,

àquele que realmente preenche o teu coração!


Não posso gritar,



Ou resmungar


Não me restam forças!


Fica o triste lamento desta tardia notícia,

E o desejo que isto não passe de um pesadelo.

segunda-feira, 21 de julho de 2008


Sinto-me um estranho…

Sou incapaz de viver o dia-a-dia.

Penso no futuro e faço planos

Olho pró passado mas não queria


Fui usado

Sim, Desfrutei

Mas não o suficiente!

Pensa-se sempre que haverá a próxima vez

Essa próxima não chegou


Sou capaz de me preocupar

Mas não entendo os desinteressados

Penso em mim, penso muito em mim

Mas dou a mão ao amigo

Sinto e sou dor

Tento ajudar

Mas aquele que nem do compnaheiro se preocupa,

Que se atira aos outros e diz que não é liberal

Esse não merece amar!


Nem o sofrimento,

Nem a realidade,

Nem a paixão,

Nem a humildade,

Nem a verdade o fará mudar

Que morra

Que desapareça

Que mude!

Porque quando precisar de alguém

Esse alguém pode lhe virar as costas!

domingo, 20 de abril de 2008

A New Type of General

International press has given large coverage and many compliments to Zapatero’s New Cabinet in the last few days. Furthermore, they have given special treatment to a young pregnant woman, who snaps the troops into attention when she walks by. Women are a majority in Zapatero’s new team and this is not the only new record the Prime minister has accomplished, he has positioned a woman as Minister of defence for the very first time in Spanish History! We are witnessing a change, in which Spain is setting an example to the world and equality jumps into plain sight.

“¡capitán, manden firmes!” Was Carme Chacón’s first order as Minister of defence. Carme Chacón is not only Young and pregnant but also, smart and attractive. She has a bachelor and Doctor in Law from the University of Barcelona and did postgraduate studies in Canada.

Prior to her appointment she worked as Professor of Constitutional Law and Secretary of education, culture and research in the Executive Commission of Spain’s socialist workers’ Party.
She also worked with J. Zapatero in his previous legislature as minister of Housing for approximately a year.

Two of her many Goals as Minister of defence consider the development of the law that will introduce Military as a professional career, in an attempt to introduce further operability and the increase of women in the Spanish army.

Here are two Videos. The first, features the minister of defence days prior to the acceptance ceremony and the second is a small video during the ceremony. Enjoy!

quarta-feira, 16 de abril de 2008

Fama, ¡a bailar!

Fama might seem like another TV show, but it's turning out to be a hit sensation in Spanish television. It's Reality TV, featuring your daily contest, and with the perfect dose of melodrama impossible to compare with the best Mexican soup operas!

Let’s try to find out more...

Fama, ¡a bailar! Is one of the major shows Spanish channel ‘cuatro’ has decided to focus on the present year. Other versions of fama have been featured in several foreign countries and they were all successful. 20 people compete to see their dreams come true: a one year scholarship in one of the best international schools of dance.

10 men and 10 women will live together in Fama School where they will compete against each other in teams and will be tutored by famous Spanish choreographers.

The show is extremely dynamic, see for yourself:

On Mondays we have ‘the Challenge’. The contestant who lost his or her partner on the previous evening will challenge one of his colleagues to try to steal his partner and remain in the game. If he wins the challenge a new team is formed and the loser is dismissed, if not he will be dismissed and the team will remain together.

On Tuesdays starts the battle for immunity. Every team dances and the jury will decide which 2 teams danced best.

On Wednesdays the battle for immunity comes to and end and the jury decides which team deserves the invulnerability. This team will be protected from any type of challenge or dismissals from school.

On Thursdays’ starts a new challenge, the test to avoid being nominated to leave Fama School on Sunday.

On Fridays the jury will decide which two contestants danced worst and these two contestants will drag their partners into the nomination to leave the school. The students will have to show on the dance floor how good they really are.

On Sundays, the public decides who they believe should leave the school.

Fama is live on TV Mondays to Friday at 14h15 (Portuguese time) and hosted by Paula Vásquez. On Sundays the Gala begins at 20h30.

In the end, Fama Is a lot of fun in One big Show ;)

Til’ next week!

terça-feira, 8 de abril de 2008

Simply Mary

Mary was the most perfect girl from Berkeley highs. I used to know people who would not agree with me, but it was mainly because she had either embarrassed them in front of the entire student body council or charged expensive clothes on their parents’ credit cards. Albeit no matter what she did she was perfect in my eyes.

Mary had beautiful brown hair but she died it Blonde so she could look like a whore, but not too much. It was common for popular girls to look slightly sluttish. As Much as I wished I had hated her during those teen years, I guess I couldn’t because there was nothing to hate. There were days she acted like an angel and others like the devil, but the act had gotten old in our final years of school together. Teachers had developed a way to see right through her, and it was quite simple: They began ignoring her! But how could I ignore the girl I loved so much hanging out with?

I realise now how lucky I was back then. Falling in Mary’s good Grace was not very common. I wonder if there was something special about me… Probably not. Having brute force close by was smart just in case something went wrong.

If this happened today she would had become queen of the prom dance, ruler of her neighbourhood, and one day - the country. Mary had always known how to get what she wanted when she wanted, and this is a special trait. She had never been spoiled by her parents; on the contrary, she was the least important of daughters. Her parents had experienced the most violent of divorces and Mary was part of the collateral damage. Growing under a shattered family had changed her forever.

I wonder if it was moments we were alone and she would open up to me. Or the kind words she whispered when I was a little sad. Maybe it was the rough words when I was pestering her or the parties I wasn’t invited too. No matter what it was there was something about Mary…

quarta-feira, 26 de março de 2008


With 58 days left for the 2008 Eurovision song contest, many videos featuring the songs that will represent the many countries that participate every year, have surfaced You Tube.

Check out the Spanish Song. My first impression was: "What the F*** is this?"

I don't know guys but I think the Spanish are risking a lot this year... Maybe Portugal should do the same. If we're going to make a foul of ourselves, why not have fun in the process? We might get some votes in the process…

This is the Portuguese song:

Very serious like always, a fado groove throughout the song. I guess we miss those years we made 5th place.

I'll say one thing; the Spanish are investing a lot on this artist: Video Clip, dedicated Site, My space page!! What do we have? A bad recording of the performance in the only television show it was reportedly preformed.

Oh well, breathe in the fado because we’re not getting far this year…

sábado, 22 de março de 2008

'Caroline Michaels' the beginning of the end...

So... Apparently we've been bombarded with this you tube video (and once again you tube as the main vehicle in getting this type of situations out to public knowledge).

I say apparently because after I saw the first guest speaker on the news I decided it was best to hear no more, since the guest was clearly unconvinced of what she was saying.

This can be somewhat amusing when looked at carelessly. Why? First, because some of us realise that this just happened next door! And second, when analyzing those images carefully it’s as if the students are imitating fictional characters…

I’m convinced That til’ a few years back this happening in a Portuguese class room was a very remote idea, something that only happened in Hollywood Blockbusters and in Foreign countries. Although, Looking at Portugal as a whole this is clearly something that could only happen in a city, since smaller and local schools have a very different dynamic.

Are city Schools becoming more Gangster like in a very delicate imitation of what is portrayed in movies like… Okay I can’t remember a good movie right now. I’ll get back to that one.

Another interesting topic is that everyone is to Blame in this ‘incident’. The child is to Blame because she has rude, undisciplined, violent, etc, etc, but then the most common explanation is to point the Parents are guilty for not paying more attention to their daughter blablabla. Maybe in the 21st century Parents need parenting classes. Yes, compulsory parenting classes to avoid raising their children and making the same mistakes their parents made when they were raising them.

But in the Middle of this confusion, I say the teacher is to blame as well. The Girl was clearly in that class room against her will, the teacher should have invited her to leave. Common’, we have to stop this nonsense that teachers have to keep all their students in the classroom no matter what they say or do. After all, what’s the reward? They figure in the Portuguese educational statistics in the end of the year? Most likely! They’ll just keep jeopardizing the education of the interested student in the name of those who are there simply present to boycott the class.

We have to stop working for the numbers and make an effort to actually change and make the right impact!

Check this out:

Juvenile and Criminal Justice Data top
Key Facts:

In 1999, 1,763 youth under 18 years old were arrested for homicide in the United States, a decline from 4,330 in 1993, the year youth homicide arrests peaked.1

Homicides committed by youth under 18 years old accounted for 10.1 percent of all homicides in 1999.2

The juvenile arrest rate for violent crime in 1999 was 36 percent below its peak in 1994.3

Juveniles accounted for 17 percent of all arrests and 16 percent of all violent crime arrests in 1999, including 14 percent of aggravated assault arrests, 17 percent of forcible rape arrests, and 24 percent of weapons arrests in 1999.4

More than 840,500 gang members were estimated to be active in the United States in 1999. This number represents an 8 percent increase from 1998, countering the
decline from 1996 to 1998 and approaching the estimated high of nearly 846,500 members in 1996.5

During the 1998 to 1999 school year, a total of 34 school-aged children were
murdered in or around school grounds or on the way to and from school.6

Less than 1 percent of all homicides among school-aged children (5-19 years of age)
occur in or around school grounds or on the way to and from school.7

In 1998, slightly less than 1 percent of students were victims of serious violent crimes while at school or going to and from school.8

During the 1996 to 1997 school year, 43 percent of public schools reported no violent crimes, and only 10 percent reported any serious violent crimes.9

Regardless of those figures, some Portuguese will still take comfort from the idea that Portugal can never match those numbers.

In the end, I guess what shocks me most in this sad episode of the Portuguese education system was the teachers fear of reporting the happening, but in spite of everything, it could have been a normal day-to-day situation for her and last, the schools hesitation in Expelling this student. We can’t be scared of activating the little methods we have to ‘punish’ students for their progressively violent behaviour.

PS: I remembered a good movie: 'Dangerous Minds', Remember?

quinta-feira, 13 de março de 2008

Harry Potter 8?

Look what they're going to do to the Harry Potter Movie Franchise:

Bring Back Kings and Queens!!! Please...

I don’t why but lately I’ve been feeling really Monarchic!!

So I feel this way and I honestly think that what remains of the Portuguese Royal Family, should have a higher relevance in our lives and Portugal’s international relations.

We see her Majesty the Queen of England acting as Chief diplomat for her country. Shouldn’t our royalty be trained to do the same? Okay I can understand that on one hand it’s the fear of having them embarrassing the country, but hey, our politicians embarrass us every once in a while (not to say everyday… woops I said it aloud!).

Perhaps we are scared of something whatever it is; after all we no longer know the meaning of writing ‘the Republic of Portugal’ in Official Documents!

Look what’s happening in the UK:

Brit school kids will soon be pledging loyalty to the Queen

Europe SunMonday 10th March, 2008 (ANI)
London, Mar 10:

Under new British citizenship plans, school kids in the UK will be encouraged to swear an oath of allegiance to the Queen and will also be expected to promise to obey the law in ceremonies like those for new immigrants.

A review of citizenship by Lord Goldsmith, the former attorney general, wants kids to be more proud of Britain and therefore believes that the procedure could strengthen it, reports the Sun.

A source close to the review, ordered by Prime Minister Gordon Brown, said that the plan is designed to help immigrants and citizens develop a 'shared sense of belonging'.

The oath of allegiance mirrors the pledge by American school kids to the flag, which is made while standing at attention with the right hand over the heart.

The pledge is not compulsory but it is common practice in American schools. Goldsmith's plan came after a study, which showed that many kids in the UK are made to feel embarrassed of their roots by politically correct teachers.

Some children have been sent home from school because they wore an England shirt or because their parents sport a national symbol on their car.

Why can’t we see this happen in Portugal? Why? Why? Why? Do we load or monarchy this much? It’s funny… When a European royal family has a party, everybody wonders where the Portuguese dukes are?

I can understand why the Spanish have such affection to their Royal Family and Also the Britsih. I’m not a radical saying the Duke should step up right now and take over the country. I’m simply stating that we would benefit a lot if the Duque and the remains of the royal family had a bigger and more important role in our politics and our International relations!

terça-feira, 11 de março de 2008

2008 Blockbusters

The Canadian News Channel CTV has posted for some time now the 15 most anticipated movies for 2008.

Some of the movies on the list have already been released. I've decided to post the top 15 from that list and add a personal comment and the trailer.

Let's check them out:

15. 10,000 B.C. (March 7, 2008) (10,000 BC is a 2008 American film set in the prehistoric era. It was presented last week and features arising actors Camilla Belle and Steven Strait. Well saving you from a long symposis, the movie is basically an action love story in the beginning of the Mesolithic, or Epipaleolithic period. I wonder how good it’s doing in the box office?)

14. Angels & Demons (December 19, 2008) (Angels and Demons is the adaptation of the best selling mystery novel By Dan Brown. This book focuses Robert Langdon, the main Character of the better known Da vinci code. The story involves a conflict between an ancient group, the Illuminati, and the Roman Catholic Church. Tom Hanks will reprise his role as Robert Langdon and will receive the highest salary ever for an actor. There is no Teaser Trailer available so I leave you with the Da Vinci Code Trailer. I wonder if…)

13. Speed Racer (May 9, 2008) (Speed Racer is the Name of an English adaptation of the Japanese anime Mach GoGoGo, which focused on automobile racing. The only thing cathing my attention to this film is Cristina Ricci who has an impressive curriculum in acting in both small and big screen. From what I saw there is far too much CGI animation, which could lead to a major movie disaster. Check the trailer to confirm.)

12. Bond 22: Quantum of Solace (November 7, 2008) (An unusual title for a James Bond Movie, But after Casino Royale we can expect many good things from this sequel. It starts where Casino Royale left off. Daniel Craig and the entire 007 team have done an amazing job in rebooting the series. A symptom of many long running action movies. Judie Dench has been given a bigger role as M and Craig is doing many if his own stunts. What more could we ask for? No working Trailer is available so I leave you with some behind the scenes images of the upcoming blockbuster.)

11. The Day the Earth Stood Still (December 12, 2008) (The Day the Earth Stood Still is a 2008 science fiction film, a remake of the 1951 film of the same name. The 2008 Sci Fi movie features Matrix star Keanu Reeves and Jennifer Connelly. There’s still very little available on the film and no teaser trailer. I leave you with a teaser of the 1951 original picture til’ an official trailer is announced. )

10. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (November 21, 2008) (As the saga nears its end, This 6th HarryPotter film will surely focus on Harry Potter’s Nemesis’ Past unveiling some tips for the Big finale in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. The Harry Potter movies are famous for unfortunately leaving key parts of the Books out. This Movie will actually be competing with another UK movie: the 22nd James Bond Movie. I wonder who will do best? Magical boy Wizard or Daniel Craig’s return as 007?)

9. Hellboy 2: The Golden Army (July 11, 2008) (Just like the first part, Hellboy 2 is directed by Guillermo del Toro. “In February 2007, Mignola described the story he had developed with del Toro as one that focused on folklore and fairy tales, rather than the more pulp elements of the first film.” In Wikipedia. In my opinion this is more of a fan base movie but I could be wrong.)

8. Horton Hears a Who! (March 14, 2008) (The only animated movie on this list, Horton Hears a Who will prove to be a fun movie for the whole family especially with Jim Carry giving voice to Horton (the elephant) and Steve Carell bringing the voice to the Mayor of the whos, who curiously is father of ninety-six daughters and a son named Jojo. A must watch movie for any book by Dr. Seuss fan!)

7. Iron Man (May 2, 2008) (Another super Hero Adaptation. Iron Man went back and forward before shooting actually began. Many other actors were considered for the Role of Tony Stark, like Tom Cruise and Nicolas Cage but personally Robert Downey Jr. was the best choice they could have made. We will also have a chance to see Gwyneth Paltrow, who is co star in the movie. She plays Stark's lover and assistant. The trailer is promising)

6. The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (May 16, 2008) (This is the Second Narnia Movie based on the C S Lewis Epic saga that has inspired countless writers through time. This second Narnia movie is rumoured to have more action then the first: The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005). So far from the movies mentioned, three movies will be released in May. It'll be a memorable month.)

5. Rambo (aka John Rambo) (January 25, 2008) (Another sequel featuring a much older John Rambo/Sylvester Stallone. Rumours have it that after the box office success there might be another one. Stallone has indeed showed interested in doing one last sequel before putting the Rambo boots away for good.);

4. Righteous Kill (Summer 2008) (I know very little about this movie at the moment. According to the IMDB database the movie is about two cops (Robert deNiro and Al Pacino) who find themselves in pursuit of a serial killer who writes poems about the crime he just committed, leaving them at the scene. It’s not much, but Hey: any movie that joins Al Pacino and Robert deNiro is surly worth watching.);

3. Sex and the City: The Movie (May 30, 2008) (I believe everyone remembers the hit series. The Movie takes place approx 4 years after the end of the series. Many spoilers have surfaced the net for months now, but always most are full of wrong information. Sometimes small screen shows don’t do well in big screen adaptations. I might not be the case. And Look the Movie even has a blog check it out:;

2. The Dark Knight (July 18, 2008) (After the 2005 Reboot of the Batman series , which lead to the box office success Batman Begins, Christopher Nolan's sequel is expected to do very well. Especially after the tragic death of Heath Ledger, who will appear as Batman's Nemesis: The Joker. Katie Holmes left due to time limitations and was replaced by Maggie Gyllenhaal. I’m not a fan of these switches but Maggie is indeed a talented Actress… Let’s see how she pull this off.);

And the Most Anticipated Movie of 2008 IS.....

1. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (May 22, 2008) (Its been approximately 27 years since Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark was screened and movie Star Harrison Ford is still armed with knowledge and a whip. Let’s see how god he does in this sequel. Surely not a sci-fi flick like George Lucas is used too…);

I’ll update any changes or push backs to early 2009.


quarta-feira, 5 de março de 2008


Juno is the independent movie that could have shocked everyone that watched the 80th edition of the Oscars, if it won! No, it didn't win the two major awards it was nominated for: Best Film and Best Actress in a Leading Role (Ellen Page).

I find it interesting how more and more independent movies keep coming and surprising us positively. This particular movie surprised me in a Good way.

'Juno' is a fresh, intelligent comedy about a 16-year-old girl who has unplanned and unprotected sex with her friend Paulie Bleeker. She decides, against the advice of parents and friends, to have the baby and give it up for adoption. But beware; this movie is not all about unplanned pregnancy.

Ellen Page's one liners are peculiar and really come from the inside rather than script. She actually wins the audience in the first scenes. The movie gives a new view to pregnancy and is completely different from the 2004 independent theme related movie 'Saved!’ The two movies also seem to have a hidden anti-abortion theme.

The two movies do have several things in common, specially the fact that they were low budget, independent movies but had major stars featured in the movie. Apparently our movie stars are becoming more picky on the movies they actually star on.

The passive-aggressive pseudo-folk songs are a great part of the movie. I'll leave you with the the Tailer. Til' the next movie review!

sábado, 1 de março de 2008

Jack Nicholson Supports Hilary Clinton.

The Hilary Clinton Campaign Launched a video Today featuring some of Jack Nicholson's Most famous Characters.

The clip consists of a small statement from Nicholson in the end along with him in characters such as The Joker, Colonel Jessup (A Few Good Men), and Jake Gittes (Chinatown).

Hilary Clinton's campaign has caught the attention of many curious spectators. (I'll try to follow it the best I can).

Here's the video:

quinta-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2008

"Emotionally loaded" descriptions of the scene of a crime...

Portuguese CSI’s under tight budget

Last night Porto’s CSI team was dispatched to an old family villa in the outskirts of the city. ‘The police was tipped by an anonymous caller’, reported deputy constable Miguel Santos in a 3 minute press conference. Several local news stations reported to the crime scene for live coverage but no facts of the incident have been detailed by the police present there.

However, this reporter was able to get close enough to the living room window to describe what appeared to be an extremely disorganized living area with shattered glass on the floor and visible traces of Blood splatter on the room’s blue curtains. Also visible was the fact that there were several missing pieces of key furniture. In different situations it could be suggested that the CSI’s were processing the furniture as evidence but after the major budget limitations CSI’s are only allowed to bring a maximum number of 3 possible evidence items for further process. With the wild cut in Budget rumours are flying that the Forensics division will soon shut down for good and with such a limitation in evidence gathering it might become difficult to build a solid case to take to trial.

More news tonight at six!

quarta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2008

A New Chapter. Unit 5

Okay Guys, so this is my first Post and let me explain a few things before I get carried away with posting.

A lot of the in class work will be based upon EAP Now - Unit 5 (The News). But before rushing and posting our first piece of homework let me explain the name of this Blog before Ian, who is my English teacher, actually expels me from his class.

‘Ian’s madness’ is not an insult of any kind. The reason I choose this name is because I was under the impression during the first semester that most English class assignments were a little too weird to say the least. But after surviving B2.1 I feel ready to continue with this creative approach in learning a foreign language.

It came as a shock because most students were accustomed to an old method of teaching where you mostly need to know Grammar to pass the exam. With Ian you need to worka a bit harder and know much more than Grammar. Sometimes this can nearly drive you crazy because if you don’t keep up and present creative/original work, and cause an impact you won’t impress anyone and will definitely get a low grade. With that said… lets get on with the show!